Boloh Helpline: Supporting families of children with respiratory infections

Barnardo’s, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are running a helpline, aimed mainly at BAME or marginalised families with young children under three, to support them to manage respiratory infections this winter.

The Boloh helpline is supporting parents of new-born babies and young children in managing coughs, colds and chest infections. Barnardo’s has partnered with the RCPCH to provide a support, advice, and signposting service to all worried parents, with a particular focus on Black, Asian and minoritized communities. The support they can offer includes:

  • Speaking to trained advisors about your concerns
  • Practical support for food vouchers, digital equipment, and more..
  • Housing and finance advice
  • Understanding signs and symptoms, and appropriate care in the home when your child is unwell
  • Information on how and where to access health support
  • Accompanying you to speak to NHS111 and 999
  • Registering with GPs

Parents and carers can call Boloh helpline on 0800 151 2605. Professionals can also refer their service users to the helpline and a helpline advisor will contact them. Referrals can be made via this link, and a helpline advisor will call them back.

The helpline advisors are trained to provide advice about respiratory illnesses in children aged 0-3. The advisors can provide a service in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Albania, Polish, Luganda, Ruyankole, Rukiga, Rutooro and Kinyarwanda. Interpreters can be provided for other languages.

You can find more information about Boloh here.