Locality Research: Community anchors and wider determinants of health research

Locality, part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have launched a survey aimed at community anchor organisations. They want to hear from groups that have an impact on the wider determinants of their service user’s health.

Locality are working with the new Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (previously Public Health England) to research this area. They are looking for organisations to complete a survey on the type of services they provide and how they impact local people.

They will be running workshops in January to help you understand more about the research and how to capture the right information from your users. They will ask you to complete the survey by mid-February. Locality are offering £250 to organisations for participating.

If you’re interested, please apply using this form by the end of Monday 13th December. Locality will be in touch by the end of Friday 17th December to let you know if you have been successful.