CQC 2020 Children and Young People’s Patient Experience Survey

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) 2020 Children and Young People’s Patient Experience Survey has been published this week.

This survey asked children and young people, and their parents and carers, about their experience in English hospitals between November 2020 and January 2021.

The survey received over 27,000 completed questionnaires and provides a unique insight into children and young people’s experiences of hospital care at a time when NHS services in England were under considerable pressure due to COVID-19, during the “second wave” of cases and hospital admissions in England.

Findings included that most children and young people, and their parents, continue to report positive experiences about many important aspects of care and treatment, however some children and young people also reported poorer experiences around having enough to do in the hospital or being played with.

The published CQC briefing, national tables and trust level results can be found here.