CHAMPIONS project: Children in Homeless Accommodation

The CHAMPIONS (Children in Homeless Accommodations Managing Pandemic Invisibility Or Non-inclusive Strategies) project has been looking at the experiences of families with children under 5 who have been living in temporary accommodation. It is a nationwide project led by Professor Monica Lakhanpaul (UCL) run by University College London and De Montfort University Leicester.

CHAMPIONS is working with families and professionals to develop policy recommendations that will help children recover from the disruptions of the past two years. To make policy changes, to get MPs to listen to their recommendations, they need data and would like to hear from families to ensure their voices are heard.

If your organisation is in contact with families, can you ask families to answer the survey in this link:

If you want to know more about the project or get in touch with us, call 07436 030173 or email [email protected]