Green Social Prescribing Conference: How to Embed and Scale Green Social Prescribing

The cross government Green Social Prescribing Programme team are hosting the ‘Green Social Prescribing Conference: How to Embed and Scale Green Social Prescribing’.

It has been one year since the launch of the green social prescribing programme to prevent and tackle mental ill-health and they would like to take this opportunity to:

  • Reflect on programme achievements, key challenges and learning during the implementation phase of the programme
  • Share the preliminary draft findings from the national evaluation of the programme, led by a consortium of universities, including Exeter, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam and Plymouth
  • Share preliminary findings from the national research project that is assessing the scalability of green social prescribing
  • Discuss how to scale and embed green social prescribing nationally.

This will be a hybrid event hosted at the Coin Street Community Centre, Waterloo on Tuesday 10th May, 10am-4pm.

In-person places are limited, and places can be reserved here.