NHS England Health and Care Social Plan Workshop

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care recently announced the publication of a Digital Health and Care Plan in spring 2022. The publication will set out a delivery plan for the things  already committed to within the NHS Long Term Plan, as well as setting a vision for the future of digital health and care services that goes beyond ambitions and timescales of the NHS Long Term Plan.

The NHS’s Digital Health and Care Plan Team would like to work with people to make sure that the plan meets the needs and aspirations that people have, whether as individuals, patients, users of social care services, carers and family members (as well as the wider NHS and care workforce).

They are hosting a workshop on Tuesday 26th April, from 11am to 12noon. They would very much like people and care users to attend who can help to shape the plan so that digital technologies enhance care, access to and experience of health and care, treatment and prevention.

If you would like to join but you do not have the ability to join online, the team can provide you with a device (a tablet), with a data package, or with other assistance to support you in joining. While they are not able to offer a financial incentive for participating in the workshop, any out of pocket expenses will be covered. This would include covering the costs of any replacement care if required, as well as a £5 payment to cover any costs to participate in the online workshop (such as electricity, broadband or 4G costs). This can be claimed after the workshop. For help please contact [email protected]

You can register for the workshop here.