National Voices’ Conference on ICSs

National Voices will be holding an all-day conference on 23rd June exploring the topic of Integrated Care Systems.

National Voices want to see better, more equal outcomes for people, especially those not currently well supported by existing models. They also want to see more coordinated and effective care that enables people to live well, with fewer barriers between communities and formal services.

The day will consist of high profile, topical panel discussions and engaging workshops, with expert speakers including Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of NHS Confederation.

A series of workshops will cover crucial topics, including health inequalities, social prescribing and others to be confirmed, and offer an opportunity for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector and system leaders to have constructive conversations, ensuring that people and communities are involved appropriately and that the result of the new ICSs is a positive impact on the way people experience healthcare.

You can register for the event here.