ADAPT: the South Asian Dementia Pathway Toolkit

ADAPT have produced a toolkit that will provide enhanced care for South Asian communities – many of whom receive significantly less effective dementia care from statutory services compared to their counterparts from White British communities.

People from South Asian communities are at greater risk of developing dementia but less likely to access all points of the care pathway & more likely to present in crisis and/or at a later stage. Alarmingly, the number of people from South Asian communities with dementia is expected to increase sevenfold by 2051 – due in part to inequalities in service provision.

They’re more likely to face barriers like:

  • late/missed diagnosis
  • reduced access to treatments
  • inappropriate or inadequate support coupled with problems caused by language barriers.

ADAPT combats the one-size-fits-all model & provides more accessible, tailored resources so services can give more culturally appropriate care. The toolkit includes films, animations, assessments & more -all culturally & linguistically adapted for South Asian communities.

This work has been funded by NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) and jointly led by researchers at University of the West of England, University of Bradford & other collaborators including us at Race Equality Foundation, University of Bath, University of Wolverhampton, NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG and Dementia Alliance for Culture and Ethnicity.

You can find out more here.