Loneliness Awareness Week 2022

Next week is Loneliness Awareness Week – The week, which is hosted by the Marmalade Trust, is in its sixth year and runs from 13-17 June 2022 and will be highlighting the many and varied instances when we feel lonely to normalise the feeling – from childhood, into adulthood and beyond – with their campaign: That Lonely Feeling.

There is a lot happening throughout the week, including webinars hosted by Linking Lives on the ‘Power of One’. The webinars will discuss and suggest ways that we can all make a difference in the lives of those around us who may be struggling with loneliness in some way, whether they be neighbours, friends, family, or those we ‘bump into’ in our day to day lives.

The interactive webinars are aimed at Christians with an interest in this subject and will include time for discussion, interviews with those who have benefited from these informal interactions as well as access to resources about the issue.

You can find out more about Linking Lives and ‘Power of One’ here.

Are you doing any activities for Loneliness Awareness Week? Let us know at [email protected]