FaithAction Social Prescribing Roundtables

As part of our work within the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, we recently held two roundtables that aimed to uncover best practice in the inclusion of faith- and community-based centres in the roll out of social prescribing and tackling loneliness.

Faith and community groups from around England, alongside other VCSE organisations and social prescribing networks, contributed to the sessions, and the discussions touched on some important themes around what inclusive social prescribing can look like, potential barriers to making it a reality and practical steps to overcome these. We look forward to sharing more on this in the coming weeks.

Our ongoing social prescribing project will help shape policy recommendations around the implementation of social prescribing – look out for updates on our work!

If social prescribing is an area of interest to you, and you would like to speak to us more about this work, please get in touch with us here.