Health and Wellbeing Fund – women’s reproductive wellbeing in the workplace

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) are seeking applications from VCSE sector organisations for the next round of the Health and Wellbeing Fund.

The theme of the 2022 to 2025 fund is women’s reproductive wellbeing in the workplace. Linking in with the development of the new Women’s Health Strategy, the fund aims to support VCSE organisations who can provide a holistic support offer to assist women experiencing reproductive health issues (for example, menopause, fertility problems, miscarriage and pregnancy loss, menstrual health and gynaecological conditions) to remain in and return to the workplace.

  • The fund aims to align with the Women’s Health Strategy aims for health in the workplace:
  • women feel supported in the workplace
  • taboos are broken down through open conversation
  • employers feel well equipped to support women in managing their health within the workplace

The deadline for applications is 9am on 5th August. You can read more about the funding here.