Race Equality Foundation: Response to DHSC Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan

Race Equality Foundation, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have published their response to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) consultation on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan and call for evidence.

The response was produced by the Foundation with the following organisations:

  • African Caribbean Community Initiative
  • African & Caribbean Mental Health Services
  • Asian Resource Centre Croydon
  • Bristol Somali Resource Centre
  • Centre for Mental Health
  • Friends, Families & Travellers
  • Himaya Haven
  • Jami
  • Retired Consultant Psychiatrist,
  • Roshni Asian Women’s Resource Centre
  • Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation
  • Touchstone

The aim of the working group is to improve knowledge and understanding of mental health, particularly from the perspective of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

The response also seeks to provide a greater sense of clarity and contribute a significant but often overlooked perspective that is critical for enabling better outcomes for Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

You can read the response here.