Healthwatch: Maternity services in North East London

Local Healthwatch engage with local people on their experience with health and social care services. They represent the voice of local people in the health and social care debate, and work with relevant stakeholders in health and social care to improve services for people like you and ensure they meet your needs.Healthwatch in North East London are conducting a survey into maternity services to ensure people are offered the best experience.

East London has the highest birth rate in the UK. Our health and care services must fully support this growth and continue to ensure the best possible outcomes for mothers and babies. In particular, Healthwatch are looking to understand the experiences of patients people from minority or marginalised groups when accessing and experiencing maternity services.

By taking part in this survey, you will help shape NHS maternity services to make them better for local people.

CONTENT WARNING: Depending on your experience, you may be asked questions about sensitive or difficult topics, including miscarriage, stillbirth, pregnancy termination, foetal abnormalities and mental health during pregnancy. 

You can complete the survey here Maternity services in North East London Survey (

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]