NHS England: ICS Research Engagement & Network Development Webinar

NHS England’s Innovation, Research and Life Sciences team are launching a programme to support Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to increase diversity in research participation through the development of new or existing research networks and activity.

ICSs will need to do this in partnership with their VCSE alliance, and their local NIHR Clinical Research Network or other NIHR infrastructure. ICSs are invited to work with local partners to propose and test a mix of approaches that enables:

  • the growth of local research networks with local stakeholders, especially the local voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector
  • engagement with communities in local research priorities,
  • development of a greater diversity of local participation in research,
  • the building of evidence to demonstrate whether support for research networks across multiple organisations can be effective in increasing diversity in research.

Up to seven ICSs will be awarded up to £100,000 each to test a range of locally determined approaches to deliver these ambitions.

To provide more information about the programme and how to apply, NHS England are running two webinars.

You can find out more information and register here.