NHS England research: Prescription Prepayment Certificate for HRT medication

From 1 April 2023, a Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) will be available to individuals residing in England, which on purchase would give free entitlement to HRT medication for a period of 12 calendar months from the date of purchase. People will be able to purchase an HRT PPC either at a pharmacy, online or over the phone.

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) are responsible for delivering the online journey for people to purchase their HRT PPC. Their user research team would like to speak to those who are likely to use the service to ensure it meets their needs, in order to develop the online service.

They would like to speak with women aged 30-60 with experience of HRT or interested in taking HRT in the future, and particularly want to hear from:

  • Black and ethnic minority groups
  • Members of the trans community
  • People who struggle to access/use technology
  • Individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities

The user research session can be done over the phone or online via Teams/Zoom and they normally last around 1 hour. Participants will be given a high street voucher as a thank you for their time (£10/30mins).

To take part, please contact [email protected]