NHS England survey: Refreshed Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services in England

The NHS is working hard to improve maternity and neonatal services and they would like your help to shape how they do it. You can do this by completing their survey with your views.

NHS England is writing an updated delivery plan for how they deliver maternity and neonatal services. Your views will help to inform this plan and help them set clear goals to make maternity and neonatal services more personalised and improve people’s experiences when using them.

The new plan will also bring together all their aims for perinatal service delivery and improvement into one place.

Whether you use maternity and neonatal services, work in them, oversee them or are a maternity and neonatal stakeholder, your views will support the services of NHS England to improve.

The survey closes on 27th November. You can complete the survey here.