Hewitt Review – Call for Evidence

The Hewitt review will consider how the oversight and governance of integrated care systems (ICSs) can best enable them to succeed, balancing greater autonomy and robust accountability with a particular focus on real time data shared digitally with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and on the availability and use of data across the health and care system for transparency and improvement.

It will cover ICSs in England and the NHS targets and priorities for which integrated care boards (ICBs) are accountable, including those set out in the government’s mandate to NHS England.

To help inform this new way of working, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has appointed former Health Secretary Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt to consider how the oversight and governance of ICSs can best enable them to succeed. More information about the objectives and scope of the review can be found here.

DHSC are launching this call for evidence to gather views from across the health and social care system, as well as from patients, the public, and the wider voluntary sector.

You can respond as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation by completing the online survey. The evidence gathered from this exercise will inform the findings of the review.  You can refer to the Hewitt review terms of reference as a guide to what additional evidence may be relevant.

If you have any questions about the review, contact [email protected].

The deadline for responses to the call for evidence is 9th January 2023. You can complete the online survey here.