Sharing learning from the Starting Well Fund & Barnardo’s Consortium

The Barnardo’s Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are holding a free webinar on Tuesday 10th January, 2-4pm sharing learning from the Starting Well Fund and work to support children and families and reduce health inequalities.

The Starting Well Fund, run by the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England, aims to improve health outcomes for children from pre-conception to two and a half years old in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups, and those living in areas of high deprivation.

The Barnardo’s Consortium’s aim is to bring the voice of communities, families and young people into the heart of health decision-making, working to reduce health inequalities and support cultural competence across the spectrum of health and care.

The webinar will include presentations from:

  • Abigail Knight, Strategic Programme Lead for Integrated Child & Family Health, Barnardo’s: Developing Universal Language, a coproduced maternity hub led by Black and Brown women and birthing people in the Peterborough area –
  • The Foundation Years Trust and Koala North West: Supporting parents of children aged 0-2 with the home learning environment
  • Locala: Developing a series which provides education and information to parents regarding communication and language development for their children
  • Women’s Inclusive Team: Health inequity and child & family support post-covid

You can reserve your space here.