North East London Cancer Alliance: Awareness Campaign        

The NHS North East London Cancer Alliance, in partnership with The Eve Appeal (a leading UK charity raising awareness of and funding research for gynaecological cancers) recently launched the ‘You Need to Know campaign.

The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness of womb cancer and its symptoms to help women in the local area get diagnosed sooner, when their outcomes will be better.

Women who are Black, Asian or from a minority ethnic group have worse outcomes and are less likely to survive womb cancer in the UK. Because of this, the campaign specifically targets women over the age of 45 from Black African, Black Caribbean and South Asian backgrounds.

As part of the campaign the Alliance are are delivering hour long talks at community centres to allow women to get information directly and to ask any questions they may have.

  • Do you have a space/established group of women who meet who would like to have this health awareness session delivered to them for free?
  • The Alliance will also pay for venue hire and refreshments if required.

They also have physical posters and leaflets on offer in Bengali, Gujarati, Somali and Urdu.

For more information, contact Sherrice Weeks at [email protected]