Friends Families & Travellers: Make energy grants available to all

Friends Families & Travellers, fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are asking people to join them to make a stand by asking your MP to expand the energy support available, to include Romany and Traveller families living on roadside camps and liveaboard Boaters.

The cost of energy has risen to levels not seen before, and with a wider cost of living crisis unravelling, many Romany, Irish Traveller and travelling communities and liveaboard Boaters have been left out of any available energy support.

The Government has excluded communities living on roadside camps or itinerant liveaboard Boaters from the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme-Alternative Funding and the £200 Alternative Fuels Payment (AFP).

The organisation have created a quick and easy tool for people to email their MP. You can find out more information here.