Homeless Link Mental Health and Homelessness Conference 2023

Homeless Link, part of the Homeless Health Consortium in the VSCE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are holding a hybrid conference on homelessness and mental health, taking place online and at America Square Conference Centre, at 10am on 19th June 2023.

According to their recent Unhealthy State of Homelessness Report, the number of people experiencing homelessness reporting a diagnosed mental health condition soared from 45% in 2014 to 82% by 2021; and many are not getting the support they need, with 45% of respondents reported they are self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to help them cope with their mental health.

Poor mental health issues can both cause and result from experiencing homelessness and, without the right support or treatment, can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

The conference will:

  • highlight the need for joint working across the mental health and homelessness sectors and offer an understanding of the mental health system and legislation
  • provide an insight into different mental health and co-occurring conditions and advice on managing behaviours or actions that may result
  • discuss issues of trauma, trust, and relationships and the power of trauma and psychologically informed approaches
  • showcase good practice examples from across the UK of effective mental health support for people experiencing and at risk homelessness

There are both online and in-person places for this event. In-person places (from £125+booking fee) and online places (from £45+booking fee)

You can find more information and booking information here.