Share the Pressure: Addressing health inequalities in high blood pressure

Race Equality Foundation are leading on an innovative project to address health inequalities in high blood pressure among Black African and Caribbean communities.

Together with Smart Health Solutions, Younger Lives and Blood Pressure UK, the project will be working to address high blood pressure amongst African and Caribbean people using a shared decision-making tool.  They will develop and pilot a nurse-led motivational change model for the management of high blood pressure that reaches and impacts people at greater risk of high blood pressure.

Share the Pressure is an online risk management motivational tool to encourage shared decision-making for the management of high blood pressure. The tool is accessible via a website or mobile phone.

The project will specifically target Black Caribbean and Black African communities living in Bromley, Bexley and Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark and will run until 31 August 2023.

You can find out more about the project here, and access Share the Pressure here.