Carers Trust: Time Away from Caring: Good Practice in carer breaks

Carers Trust has published Time Away from Caring: Good Practice in carer breaks – a case study led report which highlights good practice in providing carer breaks.

Carers Trust developed this report and resources as part of the VSCE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, alongside Carers UK. The project looked at good practice in delivering carer breaks, and using these good practice examples, and in depth interviews with experts, developed Top Tips for commissioners and providers.

The report and resource:

  • Brings together evidence on the importance of breaks for unpaid carers – both empirical data and evidence collected as part of the project and Carers Trust’s wider work with local carer organisations and carers
  • Highlights good practice in providing breaks
  • Give Top Tips to commissioners and providers on what steps they can take to ensure the carers they support have access to breaks.

This project explored good practice from local carer organisations and others in providing breaks to adult carers. Within the broad spectrum of carer breaks, the project also explores what works for carers from ethnic minority communities and LGBTQ+ communities – both of which are communities that face additional barriers. In addition, there is a focus on digital support and the barriers this may create for older carers.

From the good practice case studies, Carers Trust has identified some common elements to help commissioners and providers establish a break provision that meets the needs of unpaid carers.

Breaks are vital many carers, and Carers Trust wants to ensure that more carers get the breaks they want. This document will aid commissioners and providers who want to develop and enhance their carer breaks offer.

If you have any questions or want to explore your carer breaks offer with Carers Trust – please do get in touch with Carers Trust’s Policy Team.

You can access the report here