Adult Carer Survey Report 2023

Carers Trust, one of our partners in the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance have released their Adult Carer Survey Report based on a survey of 3,430 adult carers.

The survey found that unpaid carers are exhausted, the time they spend on caring has soared, almost half are not getting the support they need and more than two-thirds cannot get a break when they need it.

The survey also looked at specific groups of unpaid carers – older carers, carers from minority ethnic communities, female carers, carers from LGB+ communities and carers from lower socio-economic communities. The results show these unpaid carers are finding it harder to access support than carers as a whole. Here are some headline findings:

  • Only 55% of all unpaid carers get the support they need to be an unpaid carer
  • 41% say caring hours have increased over last year with one-in-eight caring for an extra 50 hours a week or more
  • Unpaid carers are exhausted but more than two thirds (68%) are unable to get a respite break from their caring role when needed
  • 64% of unpaid carers from lower socioeconomic backgrounds said they don’t get adequate support ,compared to just 11% of those from the most wealthy backgrounds.
  • Just 16% of unpaid carers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities said they had been signposted to support by their local authority, compared to 31% of white carers

You can find more information and read the full report here.