National survey on women’s reproductive health

Race Equality Foundation, fellow partners in the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance would like to highlight  details of national online survey on women’s menstrual health, contraception, pregnancy planning, and menopause.  It’s a vital survey to capture the view of women on this important health topics.  Please see the below, and if possible share with your networks.

The Race Equality Foundation is pleased to be working with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Department of Health and Social, and other charities to help promote this important survey and ensure the health experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic women are captured.

  • Launch of national online survey to gather vital data on women’s menstrual health, contraception, pregnancy planning, and menopause
  • Responses will help shape future policy on women’s health, enhance care, and improve wellbeing
  • Survey helps to ensure the health and care system prioritises women’s voices

Findings from the survey will then be used to better understand women’s reproductive health experiences over time. The vital information gathered about the lives and experiences of women will inform current and future government decision-making and health policy. There are currently disparities in women’s health across the country, and far too many cases where women’s voices are not being heard. This new survey will play a key part in changing this.

Tracey Bignall, Senior Policy and Practice Officer, Race Equality Foundation, said: 

“We’re encouraging all women in our networks to take part in this survey. It’s crucial that we hear about the health experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic women. Many women have highlighted to us a number of challenges, from accessible information, to racism and a lack of trust, to the need for more awareness amongst health services on specific health conditions that disproportionately affect Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities, and how to treat people affected. Ethnicity has a huge influence on women’s health experiences and outcomes – being able to capture women’s voices and track issues is key to resolving these matters.”

You can find more information at here.