Be the Change: How to tackle racial inequalities in health and care charities

National Voices is committed to tackling racial inequalities in healthcare, health status, within organisations and across the charity sector. They have conducted a recent study that shows African/Caribbean women are four times more likely to die around pregnancy than other ethnicities and that African/Caribbean babies are 3 times more likely to die than babies born to other ethnicities. This led National Voices to create an inclusion action plan to try and narrow the gaps in racial inequalities by driving improvements in recruitment practices, organisational culture, influencing activities and work with people with lived experience.

A key part of their plan was convening their members to learn from each other, so they organised a series of four, members-only, roundtables for focused, pragmatic and open discussion in the following areas:

  1. How to effectively diversify Boards of Trustees and staff teams.
  2. How to establish and maintain inclusive organisational cultures.
  3. How best to work with people with diverse lived experience in insight and influencing activities.
  4. How to ensure inclusive service delivery.

Their report; ‘Be the Change: How to tackle racial inequalities in health and care charities’ highlights the main learnings in each of these areas, and draws out general advice from all these conversations. It gives guidance to colleagues in the health and voluntary sectors ideas for what they could do, alongside practical tools to take action.

You can find the report here.