New Report: Exploring experiences of accessing for support alcohol issues and suicidal ideation

The Suicide Prevention Consortium and Samaritans have launched a new report; Exploring experiences of accessing for support alcohol issues and suicidal ideation

This report highlights the importance of the “no wrong door approach”. The report finds that individuals are still turned away when healthcare professionals perceive them to be under the remit of another part of the system. They also highlight that stigma and feelings of shame are common barriers to accessing support.

Through this work, and building on the existing evidence base, the report identifies five key themes where improvement is needed to address the barriers preventing more people from accessing the help they need.

5 key insights

  1. People’s support pathways vary greatly.The support system needs to be able to provide person-centred care and personalised support, meeting a diverse set of needs and personal circumstances. The support system must meet the needs of the individual, not the other way around.
  2. Stigma remains one of the most common barriers to accessing support.People are missing out on potentially life-changing support because of negative perceptions around suicidality, and alcohol issues.
  3. Peer support networks and third sector services form a vital part of the support pathway.The impact of hearing from others with similar experiences was extremely profound for many of our participants. We also heard many positive descriptions of third sector services, where people reported feeling empowered to make choices about their care.
  4. Crisis support is not consistently meeting the needs of this group.Healthcare professionals at A&E did not always understand the role of alcohol in suicidal thoughts/feelings/acts, and follow up care was described as inconsistent and lacking in genuine care, compassion and interest in a person’s needs
  5. The “no wrong door approach” is much needed.Too often, people are still turned away when healthcare professionals perceive them to be under the remit of another part of the system.

To read the full report please click here.