New Samaritans report: ‘The economic cost of suicide in the UK’
Samaritans have launched a new report, The economic cost of suicide in the UK, demonstrating the significant impact suicide has on the UK economy. Every death by suicide is a tragedy. It’s been estimated that 135 people are affected every time someone takes their life. […]
Age UK: Mental Health in Later life
Age UK and the Centre for Mental Health have published a new briefing report, Mental Health in Later Life: Understanding needs, services and policies in England. The briefing summarises evidence from a brief literature review about the mental health of older people in England and […]
Hard Done Bi: An Exploration of Bi+ Health Inequalities in England
The National LGBT Partnership, fellow partners of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have launched their Bi+ report. The report is beneficial for those who wish to improve their knowledge of bi+ issues and provide a more inclusive service for bi+ people in their care. […]
Vaccination in places of prescribed detention (PPD) workshop
The UK Health Security Agency and NHS England will be holding a vaccination in places of prescribed detention (PPD) workshop on 14th March from 10am-1:30pm. The workshop is aimed at people who have an insight into ongoing work in within the health and justice space, […]

APPG Faith New Deal and Love Southampton
On Monday 26th February, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society held an event celebrating the Faith New Deal Pilot Fund, spotlighting Love Southampton at Portcullis House. Through the Faith New Deal Pilot Fund, Love Southampton supported local food aid and redistribution efforts and […]
Improving Uptake of Annual Health Checks for People with a Learning Disability from Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic backgrounds
The Race Equality Foundation has been working on more equal health care for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, making sure more people get an annual health check. The REF has found that there is not enough information on […]
National Voices are launching the new VCSE resource library
This week, National Voices is publishing a resource library for the Alliance’s publications to date, organised by theme. The aim of this resource library is to showcase all of the important work undertaken by members of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance in pursuit of […]