NHS England looking for health inequalities training for non-clinical staff
NHS England is looking for examples of best practice of health inequalities training for non-clinical staff. They are keen to hear about examples of best practice, to allow them to understand where gaps might exist. This is part of NHS England’s long-term ambition to embed capability […]
Department of Health and Social Care launches new consultation on the role of incentives schemes in general practice
The Department of Health and Social Care has launched a consultation on the role of incentives schemes in general practice, considering future opportunities for reform, with a focus on two main schemes: Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) These schemes aim […]
Have your say on new cancer testing development
Medical professionals from Imperial College of London are currently working on developing a breath test for early detection of digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and colon) cancers. As part of their work, they have developed a survey to understand the community’s opinion on breath […]
NHS Young People’s Health Challenge – open to Expressions of Interest
NHS England and Barnardo’s, fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have created the NHS Young People’s Health Challenge (YPHC), a new toolkit directed towards 7–14-year-olds across England to find out more about the NHS. The toolkit was developed in partnership with children […]
Get involved with the national Children and Young People’s (CYP) Board
NHS England is recruiting six young people (aged 13-23 years old) to the national Children and Young People’s (CYP) Board, which supports the work of the CYP Transformation Programme. Young Board Members (YBMs) share their experience and knowledge to help improve national policy and service […]
Health Wellbeing Alliance Network Webinar
As part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, the Race Equality Foundation has been working with voluntary and community organisations to look at whether Black African and Caribbean people with severe mental illness know about and use the physical health checks for people with […]
The NHS Youth Forum and Advisory Network is recruiting young people
The NHS Youth Forum is made up of 25 young people from all over the country. It offers a space to share feedback, thoughts and ideas on the changes young people want to see within NHS England and the wider health services. As part of […]
Carers Trust Vacancy: Policy & External Affairs Officer
Carers Trust, fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance are looking for a New Policy and External Affairs Officer. The Policy and External Affairs Officer at Carers Trust plays a pivotal role in advancing Carers Trust’s efforts to change the world for […]
The National LGBT Partnership: LBT+ Women’s Health Week 2024
The National LGBT Partnership, fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance have just launched their calendar of events for LBT+ Women’s Health Week 2024 and there are many events for professionals in the third sector including: A panel about LBT+ women’s mental health […]
New report from Age UK reveals the enormous challenges millions of older people face this winter
A new report ‘We have to take it one day at a time’, launched today by Age UK as part of their new campaign ‘Spread the Warmth’, shows the enormous challenges faced by many millions of people aged 50 and over this winter. Over the past three years […]