
The Lullaby Trust Young Parent Project

The Maternity Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are working to coproduce resources to help healthcare professionals work with young parents on safer sleep for babies. The Lullaby Trust have developed two surveys to gather input into the development of the resources. Survey for […]

Protective security schemes for places of worship

In 2023 and 2024, the Home Office is continuing to provide protective security measures to places of worship in England and Wales under two schemes: Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme Protective Security for Mosques Scheme The schemes provide funding for places of worship […]

Survey: Call to Action on Loneliness

The British Red Cross and Campaign to End Loneliness, as Secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Tackling Loneliness and Connected Communities, are seeking to refresh their call to action on loneliness, looking ahead to the next five years. They want to develop a […]