Valuing People’s Alliance: Finding out about Virtual Wards
The Valuing People’s Alliance, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are doing a project on virtual wards in order to understand the reasonable adjustments needed when someone with a learning disability or someone who is also autistic, has a virtual ward. Virtual wards […]
Race Equality Foundation: Stronger Relationships Programme
Race Equality Foundation (REF), part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance have been funded by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to launch the nationwide SFSC: Stronger Relationships programme, aimed at supporting Black, Asian, and minority ethnic parents to reduce parental conflict. Whilst it […]
APPG on Suicide and Self-harm Prevention: Young people and suicide
Samaritans provides the Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Suicide and Self-harm Prevention, which is made up of MPs and Members of the House of Lords. The APPG on Suicide and Self-harm Prevention aims to raise awareness within Parliament and encourage discussion and […]
Time to End the Silence: the experience of Muslims in the prison system
Maslaha have published Time to End the Silence: the experience of Muslims in the prison system. The report shows in stark detail how Muslims in prison face racism which obstructs them from practicing their religion and prevents them from accessing vital services such as mental […]
VCSE Heath & Wellbeing Alliance Maternity Consortium Event
Our fellow partners in the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance the Tommy and Sands Maternity Consortium, are hosting a free virtual event from 1-3:30pm on 9th November, to share examples of good practice from Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS) working in partnership with Voluntary […]
GLA Mapping of Services for Migrants, Refugees, and Newly Arrived Communities
Groundswork are continuing support the GLA to update the Mayor’s new Migrant Londoners Hub, a map of services for migrants, refugees and newly arrived communities. This is an online resource to support different groups of refugees and migrants in London to understand their rights and to […]
Department for Education – updated guidance on keeping children safe in out of school settings
The Department for Education has updated their guidance on safeguarding. This is non-statutory guidance for organisations or individuals who provide community activities, tuition or after-school clubs for children. ‘Children’ refers to individuals who have not yet reached their 18th birthday. These are also known as […]
The Missing Link: social prescribing for children and young people
Barnardo’s, fellow partners in the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have published a new report: The Missing Link: social prescribing for children and young people The report examines the current evidence around the benefits of social prescribing for children and young people and brings it […]
Solving Together: an online conversation about reducing waiting times for children and young people’s mental health services
Solving Together is a partnership that enables lots of people with different ideas and views to put forward ideas. From Monday 9th October to Friday 3rd November 2023, Solving Together will focus on Children and Young People’s Mental Health with a series of conversations that […]