National Voices: A shift to multidisciplinary teams in general practice
FaithAction recently contributed to a new report by VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance members National Voices. The report, A shift to multidisciplinary teams in general practice: What this means for people experiencing health inequalities and frequent users of primary care services, looks at how the […]
Health and Social Care Needs and Quality Indicators in Probation
Revolving Doors, a member of VSCE Health & Wellbeing Alliance partner Clinks, has partnered with the University of Lincoln to set out to improve healthcare for people on probation by developing a set of standards & quality indicators for health improvement. The project, led by […]
Going further together: The role of VCSE organisations in neighbourhood health ecosystems
Locality, a fellow member of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance have published their latest health and wellbeing report, Going further together: The role of VCSE organisations in neighbourhood health ecosystems. The report examines the critical role of VCSE organisations in neighbourhood health ecosystems, highlighting: […]
Last chance to take part in Major Conditions Call for Evidence
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) are seeking your views and ideas on how to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage the 6 major groups of health conditions that most affect the population in England. These are: cancers cardiovascular disease, including stroke and diabetes […]