
Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness from African and Caribbean communities – findings from co-production

Race Equality Foundation (REF), fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have released a report on physical health checks for people with severe mental illness from African and Caribbean communities. People with severe mental illness face health inequalities. They are more likely to […]

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Next month sees the official start of summer, so attention has been turning to what the next season may hold, particularly when it comes to weather.  The Met Office’s three-month outlook, published on 1 May, forecasts that the months of May, June and July have […]

NCVO: Time Well Spent 2023

NCVO have published their key findings from the latest Time Well Spent report. New data has shown the impact of COVID-19 and the Cost-of-Living crisis on volunteering and the experiences of those involved. Headline findings included: Volunteering levels in some key activities have decreased. The […]

Martyn’s Law Draft Legislation

This month, the Government published draft legislation for Martyn’s Law, setting out the requirements that, under the new law, venues and other organisations will have to meet to ensure public safety. The draft bill, named in tribute to Martyn Hett, who was one of 22 […]

Involving people with lived experience in suicide prevention and bereavement support FAQs

Members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance’s Suicide Prevention Consortium, the National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) and Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP), have published a resource which provides introductory guidance for professionals and organisations on involving people with lived experience in suicide prevention and bereavement support, […]