
Locality: Space to Thrive

Locality, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have launched a new report, Space to Thrive. It presents their new findings and recommendations on the role of community spaces in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The report highlights: […]

Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey

The Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey (U16 CPES) aims to understand the experiences of cancer care among children under the age of 16 and their parents/carers, in England. Alongside Picker, NHS England have developed this survey to help understand and improve cancer care nationally […]

Security Advice for Everyone Events by CST

Security Advice for Everyone (SAFE) by Community Safety Trust (CST) are holding a number of free events – please see below for details. 19th April at 12pm, Event security for your community (Appropriate security measures to ensure the safety of large numbers of people) with […]