The Homeless Health Consortium: Resources for conversations about health
The Homeless Health Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance have published resources a suite of resources aimed at supporting staff and volunteers to have conversations about health, as part of their Bridging the Health Gap project. People experiencing homelessness face some of […]
Samaritans: Insights from experience : economic disadvantage, suicide and self-harm
The Samaritans, with partners from the Suicide Prevention Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have been exploring the relationship between economic disadvantage, suicide risk and self-harm in people’s own words. They heard experiences relating to difficulty with housing, issues around social care, […]
Jo Cox Foundation: Great Get Together
Get involved with this year’s Great Get Together! Run by the Jo Cox Foundation, the Great Get Together celebrates what unites us and rejects division, inspired by Jo Cox’s message that we have more in common than that which divides us. Great Get Together events […]
Homeless Health Consortium: Preparing for the risk of suicide
The Homeless Health Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have been working on a project on suicide prevention. They have produced a range of resources to support practitioners and their organisations to be better equipped to work with people who are at […]
Friends Families & Travellers: Make energy grants available to all
Friends Families & Travellers, fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are asking people to join them to make a stand by asking your MP to expand the energy support available, to include Romany and Traveller families living on roadside camps and liveaboard […]
Health Equals Campaign: #livescutshort
Health Equals have launched a new campaign; #livescutshort.The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the extent of health inequalities and the factors that causes them. Health Equals have worked with an award winning creative agency – Don’t Panic – to develop a hard hitting and emotive […]
Young Carers Action Day 2023
Yesterday was Young Carers Action Day, an annual event organised by Carers Trust. Earlier this year, Carers Trust carried out a survey of over 1,100 young and young adult carers. The results of the survey have been published, and show that: 56% of respondents to […]
NHS England Diabetes Programme: Examples of projects that address health inequalities
The NHS England Diabetes Programme and Diabetes UK are looking for good examples of projects to address health inequalities in diabetes care and treatment in any of the following groups: Ethnic minorities (including Black African, Black Caribbean, South Asian, or any other underserved community) People […]
Carers UK – Unpaid carers: preventing malnutrition and supporting positive nutrition
Carers UK are hosting a webinar on Wednesday 22nd March from 3-4pm to launch their new report, Spotlight on Nutrition. The report will provide new insight on unpaid carers views and priorities when caring for relatives and friends who are underweight or overweight. Taking perspectives […]