More on Restoring Wolf Fields

arocha_logoA Rocha have sent us more news on their Together in Service-funded project to work with the community to renovate the Wolf Fields green space in Ealing.

If you missed their previous updates, you can catch up here.

January 2015

The cleared site has highly reduced anti-social behaviour now, due to the maintenance and clearing efforts of the weekly group. In January, seven volunteers worked for 31 hours; two of these were new volunteers.

Over twenty people have signed up to the Friends of Wolf Fields group, which is the main group that provides the practical work support on-site.

Other activities, such as bring and share lunches, have seen many people getting to know one another and learning more local environmental concerns, cultures and religions.

  • Three polytunnels were built to shelter and grow seedlings for community food growing.
  • This month litter picking was conducted twice at Wolf fields, and over 10 bags of rubbish were collected.
  • Safety boots and helmets were bought for volunteers working on site.
  • Compost heap is now constructed.
  • All seeds and seedlings are stored inside the polytunnel for next month’s planting.
  • More winter crops planted.