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The VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance

FaithAction represents the voice of faith groups in the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise Health and Wellbeing Alliance, a partnership between sector representatives and the health and care system.
The Health and Wellbeing Collective (HaWC)

We’re excited to announce a new initiative—an opportunity for you to join a group of like-minded organisations to better connect with the cutting edge of Government health and care policy.
Health and Care

Built on our membership as part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, we've put together a collection of useful resources from across the sector–aimed at giving faith groups and organisations the means to tackle health issues in their local community through both intervention and prevention.
Language: Creative English

If you can't speak the language, you can't join in! That's why we developed our Creative English programme–an innovative approach that uses locally-sourced volunteers to lead soap opera styled everyday scenarios that teach conversational English through engaging and fun activities. See how you can run Creative English for your community today!
APPG on Faith and Society and the Faith Covenant

Working with a cross-party group of Parliamentarians, we have drafted the Faith Covenant–a set of principles to encourage local authorities and faith groups and organisations to work closer together for the benefit of their local community. Learn how you could help introduce these principles in your area.
The Barking and Dagenham Faith Forum

The Barking and Dagenham Faith Forum is a network of local faith leaders, people of faith and others who live and work in the borough. They are passionate about promoting good relations between people from different backgrounds and want to work together to improve the lives of local residents.
Tower Hamlets Faith Health Action Partnership

FaithAction are running a project to look at how faith settings support the health needs of their communities. Funded by Tower Hamlets Public Health, working with East London Mosque and supported by Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum, we are supporting eight local faith settings and faith based organsiations to deliver vital health focused projects to the local community.
Faith and Dementia

There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK – a number expected to rise to over a million by 2025. Given the scale of the issue, many people who are part of faith communities will be affected either directly or indirectly. At the same time, faith communities have something important to offer. Not only can they help support people living with dementia and their carers – they can also help to prevent dementia from developing in the first place by promoting social interaction and healthy lifestyles.
Tackling Loneliness

We are increasingly recognising what a big issue loneliness is in our society, and what terrible effects it can have. Tackling loneliness is becoming a political priority, with a Government strategy in 2018 and a national campaign beginning in June 2019. But all this is nothing new for faith groups, who have been “right up your street” – often for decades and more – working to provide places where people can feel they belong.
Faith Groups and the NHS

NHS England and NHS Improvement are looking to evidence the impact of the voluntary sector in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. FaithAction will be producing a new report to explore the particular impact of faith-based organisations in meeting need throughout the pandemic; the ways in which this work supported NHS services, and the role of faith in building back better.
Previous Projects

See some of the innovative projects that we've run over the years.