Faith and Health Issues
Alcohol (2)
Alcohol Identification & Brief Advice – LGB&T Briefing
The National LGB&T Partnership have produced a briefing on Alcohol Identification and Advice interventions, part of the Government’s alcohol strategy, in relation to LGB&T people.
What a Difference Faith Makes… to Alcohol Use!
This FaithAction report looks at issues faith communities face with the use of alcohol. However, these problems are often hidden, which can make it difficult both for individuals and for faith groups to address them. We also know that the reach into communities and the trusted status that faith groups can have mean that they are often ideally-placed to help address sensitive issues such as problems with alcohol.
This document reports on our initial exploration of the area. We hope that it will spark a conversation about faith and alcohol that will continue, in turn highlighting the role that faith can play and creating opportunities for more people to receive the support that they need.
Dementia (48)
The Alzheimer’s Society Connecting Communities Project: External Evaluation
Report on a project to raise awareness of dementia among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, including through faith groups. Useful lessons for those wanting to work with faith and community groups.
Being with God (Words of Peace; Words of Hope; Words of Faith)
Bible and prayer guides for people with dementia, available to purchase. They can be used by a carer with someone in their own home, or as a simple outline for someone visiting a dementia home. Each book comes with a cd with the songs and hymns for the daily devotions. There are ‘cues and clues’ to help the carer and person with dementia talk together, pray and worship. The books were developed with help from MHA and CCOA. They cost £6.99 each.
Bright Shadow
Company that produces boxes of activity ideas and materials available to purchase, which help carers to enjoy meaningful activities and moments with someone who is living with dementia. Activities can be adapted to accommodate people with dementia at any stage. Resource boxes are themed and can be used with groups or individuals. Themes include: ‘Great Outdoors’, ‘Desert Island’, ‘Dance Hall’ and ‘Arts and Culture’. Prices range from £15 – £80. Bright Shadow also runs drama-based Zest Workshops for people living with dementia in care and in community settings, and provides training to empower churches and arts and culture venues to be dementia inclusive.
Caring for Dementia: Exploring good practice on supporting South Asian carers through access to culturally competent service provision
23-page pdf focusing on some of the issues touching South Asian carers, including the importance of concepts such as the family clan, the religious duty of caring, honour and shame. Mainly aimed at professionals who are not South Asian. From the webpage, click on ‘Dementia Guide 2011 English’ under ‘Publications’. An Urdu version is also listed, but the link was broken at the time of reviewing.
Christians on Ageing: Dementia newsletter
A regular newsletter in pdf form (or £5 for hard copy). Covers news on dementia, summaries of articles and initiatives, book reviews.
Community Action on Dementia Brent
“Community group of volunteers working with residents, businesses, faith communities, sports organisations, statutory services and people living with dementia to create a dementia friendly borough in Brent. Works through peer support, dementia awareness, community connections, dementia support services, influencing quality and format of services, and community champions.
Example: Cricklewood mosque is arranging a couple of days a month for older people from all faiths and communities to gather together for something to eat and to chat and get to know each other, as a way of promoting positive mental health.”
Conversations with Prof John Swinton
A filmed interview in four parts with theologian John Swinton, presented by Australian Christian care provider HammondCare. Each section is around 9-10 minutes long, and the titles are: An introduction; A Christian Organisation; Delivering Quality Spiritual Care; and Dementia and Spiritual Care. Other filmed lectures on theology and dementia by Prof Swinton are also available on YouTube.
CSAN Dementia Toolkit
A free online toolkit produced by Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN, from the Catholic Church) and Welcome Me As I Am. Aimed at clergy and other church workers, carers and family members, and people affected by dementia, the toolkit focuses on how to accompany those whose lives have been touched by dementia in their spiritual journey. The toolkit can be obtained by registering with CSAN.
Dementia and Faith
Podcast where three guests from different faith perspectives discuss what role faith can play in the lives of people with dementia and their families, and what churches and other faith communities can do to meet their spiritual needs. It also considers people of no faith.
Dementia and Spirituality: An introductory reading list
A 17-page pdf with brief descriptions of books and resources. NB Over 10 years old.
Dementia Friendly Church blog
A blog for sharing stories and ideas to help churches become more dementia friendly. It is written by Sarah Thorpe, who is funded by the Church of England as a dementia support officer in north Shropshire, but the ideas are applicable to churches everywhere, and some to other faiths too. See especially the section on ‘Sharing Ideas’ and the post on ‘Dementia-friendly church services’.
The Dementia Guide
Alzheimer’s Society guide to download, in sections or as a whole publication (all pdfs; full version is 74 pages). Sections are: About dementia; treatments; living well; planning ahead; services for people with dementia; support for carers; research; Alzheimer’s Society services; other useful publications; checklist. Available in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, traditional Chinese and Welsh.
Dementia Handbook
The Church of England has created this handbook for churches. It has three sections: an update from the Church dioceses on their dementia work; a directory of useful organisations and resources (both Christian and generic); and a reading list.
Dementia Overview
A 9-page pdf giving basic information on dementia (including a section on carers) in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. Designed with patterns (not photos) so suitable for Islamic settings.
DSDC also offers:
Spirituality and Dementia Study Days – exploring the role, interpretation and implications of spirituality in the care and support of those with dementia
Community Development – working with BME communities and voluntary organisations around spirituality and dementia-friendly communities.
Dementia-Friendly Churches
Livability, the Christian disability and community engagement charity, offers churches a dementia friendly audit, a training workshop, and ongoing mentoring. It has also produced, with Alzheimer’s Society, the Developing a Dementia-Friendly Church guide – see separate entry.
Dementia-Friendly Gurudwaras
A Bradford-based project spearheaded by Sikh healthcare professionals, who are now assisting other Gurudwaras to become dementia friendly. The website includes a downloadable toolkit (8-page pdf) for Gurudwaras. The project offers Gurudwaras help with a self-audit and developing an action plan, a mentor scheme, and a Dementia Friends workshop delivered in English and Punjabi. The website also provides links to information about dementia in English and Punjabi, both as audio and in writing, but some of these were broken at the time of review.
Developing a Dementia-Friendly Church: A Practical Guide
This guide describes what dementia is and its impact, and explores the ways in which churches can offer support. It is suitable not only for faith communities who are considering becoming dementia friendly, but also those who have already embarked upon this course. It aims to help churches become more accessible and inclusive both for people with dementia and their carers. The guide can be downloaded in exchange for your email address.
Faith in Elderly People
An ecumenical project that encourages churches to be dementia friendly, nurtures the spiritual lives of older people and develops and promotes resources and events. A range of publications on supporting those living with dementia and their carers is available to buy through the website. Titles include: ‘The Wells of Life: Moments of Worship with people with Dementia’, ‘Help! We Have Dementia!’, ‘Training Manual for Care Homes’ and ‘Holy, Holy, Holy: The Church’s ministry with people with dementia: suggestions for action.’ All publications cost £1-£5 exclusive of postage and packaging.
Faith In Older People
Scotland-based charity that aims to enable a better understanding of the importance of the spiritual dimension to the well-being of older people. It works to support volunteers, health and social care workers, members of faith communities and other agencies, and provides events, courses and materials to meet identified need. Includes a list of links and resources relating to dementia.
The Future of Dementia Diagnosis
A 20-minute TEDx talk by Shelagh Robinson, who is a Quaker and is living with dementia. Shelagh Robinson focuses on the importance of the early diagnosis of dementia in a society where this is an increasingly pressing issue, and gives another perspective on the fear and stigma that is often involved.
The Gift of Years
A resource from charity BRF to support churches as they address ageing. The website has details of books, DVDs and events from BRF and others, as well as The Gift of Years newsletter and The Gift of Years Bible Reflections for Older People. An information pack is available on request about Anna Chaplaincy, a community-based ministry among older people of strong, little or no faith at all.
Growing Dementia-Friendly Churches
A 48-page booklet by Revd Gaynor Hammond, available priced £6 from Christians on Ageing. Practical ideas for churches on being dementia-friendly.
Growing Dementia-Friendly Churches: A Practical Guide
“A free 20-page pdf by By Revd Dr Margaret Goodall and
Revd Gaynor Hammond – the same author as the paid-for booklet of the same title. Includes ideas for what churches can do to support people with dementia, dementia-friendly church services, worshipping in someone’s home, and activities to support the person in their faith.”
Guidance for faith organisations
A 3-page pdf Dementia Action Alliance that covers: Why is dementia important to you?; What can you do? (with links to Dementia-friendly churches, Dementia Friendly Gurudwaras, Dementia Friends, a checklist for dementia-friendly environments); Join the DAA; Action Plan Guidance (for faith-based organisations)
Guide to Healthy Living: Mosques
This is a general health guide produced by Public Health England in the West Midlands, Birmingham City Council and KIKIT – Pathways to Recovery. Pages 18-19 have good information on an Islamic response to dementia.
Healthy lifestyle keeps dementia at bay
Article on a how a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and adaptations to the traditional Indian diet, can help minimise the risk of developing dementia – especially in mid-life.
Information Programme for South Asian Families
The Information Programme for South Asian Families (IPSAF) provides culturally tailored support and information for the families and friends of people with dementia. IPSAF consists of four themed sessions delivered by Alzheimer’s Society staff in partnership with local South Asian faith and community organisations, using a range of purposely developed audio-video resources. A short IPSAF film about dementia and how people can live well with the condition is available in English, Hindi and Urdu.
It’s still ME, Lord
A video resource (5 clips of between 4 and 11 minutes each) aiming to raise awareness of the spiritual needs of people with dementia, from a Catholic perspective. The videos aim to help those involved in supporting people with dementia and their carers in tackling dementia from a spiritual perspective, in order to ensure that the inner value and the dignity of elderly people are not neglected. The five clips consist of an introduction; the effects of dementia; understanding spiritual needs; meeting spiritual needs; and being a welcoming parish. The films highlight good practice in care settings and from faith communities.
Jewish Care resources
Tips and handy guides on supporting people living with dementia through the festivals of Purim, Pesach and Rosh Hashanah – available in exchange for your email address. Also available are a booklet entitled ‘Top Tips for Supporting a Person Living with Dementia’, and ‘Have the Conversation…End of Life Care.’
Memory loss and dementia: celebrating holidays and festivals – a web page with tips for including someone with dementia in your celebrations.
Jewish Care Interact is a central point of information on independent living and ageing well in the UK Jewish community.
The Leveson Centre – Resources
A resource list focused on Christian spirituality and older people, including dementia. Some articles, plus descriptions of many paid-for resources such as books and DVDs, with details of how to obtain. Some are multi-faith. Example book titles: In a Strange Land: People with Dementia and the Local Church – a guide and encouragement for ministry; A Guide to the Spiritual Dimension of Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia.
Making Every Church in Cumbria Dementia-Friendly by 2020
A project by Churches Together in Cumbria.
Churches are asked to find a volunteer ‘Dementia Enabler’ in their congregation, who will ensure that their church is dementia-friendly in its ‘welcome, worship and environment’. A workshop is held for Enablers over two days, in association with disability and community engagement charity Livability.
The Memory Café
Inter-faith dementia café run every Thursday by St Cuthbert’s Church, north Wembley. A film clip about the café is available on the website. An evaluation report is also available, which includes lessons for other faith groups wanting to set up a memory cafe.
Meri Yaadain (My Memories)
Initiative to raise awareness of dementia among the older South Asian communities in Bradford. It is a Social Services (Adult Social Care) led initiative in partnership with Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust, Age Concern Bradford and Alzheimer’s Society Bradford. The work includes: community roadshows; a newsletter in English; radio programmes; home visits; a monthly support group for people living with dementia and their carers; and telephone advice, which often allows a quick referral onto an appropriate agency.
Meri Yaadain DVD
10-minute film featuring interviews with South Asian people living with dementia and their carers. Participants speak various languages, with English subtitles.
Meri Yaadain: Recognising Dementia within the South Asian Communities
4-page pdf with brief information about dementia in Bangla, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. An audio version in each language can also be listened to online.
One Step at a Time
A learning resource for faith communities from Faith in Older People, to build a more supportive environment for people with dementia and their families. Includes a quiz to help you assess how dementia friendly your faith community is.
Peepal Care
Peepal Care is a home care service based in North-West London. It provides paid-for personal care and domestic support to older people, especially those from the Gujarati community. It offers Alzheimer’s support and dementia care at home, including activities specfically designed to support people living with dementia to stay connected with those important to them. For example, family members and friends are encouraged to collect old family albums, videos and other memorabilia to be used as resources to encourage clients to remember and reminisce.
People with Dementia
Set of four A5 leaflets covering dementia friendly churches, spiritual care, visiting and worship when it involves those with dementia. To care for someone involves knowing something about them and this is especially so for those with dementia. These booklets aim to provide some of that knowledge so that appropriate actions can be taken. Priced at £2.50 from Christians on Ageing.
Prayers & Poems Relating to Dementia
A 24-page pdf of Christian prayers, poems and readings, together with a bibliography, compiled by Faith in Older People.
Religious Practice and People with Dementia
Booklet designed to assist with practical issues in five major world faiths. Addressing spiritual needs is essential to good all round care and religious belief and practice is for some people a vital part of their spirituality. This publication contains some basic introductory background information for each faith, followed by a brief selection of prayers and readings from the faith which carers might be able to use with people with dementia. Price £2.50. Available from CCOA Publications.
Spirituality: Have you found any yet?
A 9 minute preview of a DVD produced by Faith in Older People, Alzheimer’s Scotland and Artlink Scotland. The film is aimed at care homes throughout Scotland to encourage staff and relatives in ensuring that people’s spiritual needs are met. Contact Faith in Older People for details: 0131 346 7981 /
Ten ways for your church to be more inclusive of people living with dementia
Practical tips on the Livability website, by Dr Jennifer Bute, who herself is living with dementia. Much of the advice is translatable to other faith groups.
Thinking of You: A resource for the spiritual care of people with dementia
Book written by a priest in the Church of England and clinical neuropsychologist, which provides an introduction to the subject of dementia and a practical resource for churches. Price £9.99.
Together in Song
A Manchester-based, monthly gospel choir for people living with dementia. Run by Together Dementia Support in partnership with Black-led churches.
Touchstone Leeds
Touchstone provides dementia awareness sessions in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu for faith and community groups from Black and Minority Ethnic communities in Leeds and the surrounding area. It also provides culturally appropriate information about dementia and runs Hamari Yaadain, a monthly dementia café for South Asian people who have memory issues and their carers.
Unforgettable: Articles on Faith and Dementia
Short articles aimed at carers wanting to help people with dementia connect with their faith. They point out the ways in which having faith can help people with dementia.
“How can dementia cause you to neglect faith and spirituality?”
“Keep the faith: Why practising your religion is important when you have dementia”
Welcome me as I am
A not-for-profit Community Interest Company that promotes mental health and dementia awareness in faith communities and in the wider community. A mental health Toolkit is available to download as pdfs from the website, which also features slideshows with reflections using Bible verses and poems focused on hope. Seminars and workshops to raise awareness about dementia and how to be a dementia-friendly church are run across the UK, which churches and organisations can host. The focus is on a ‘journey of hope’ for those living with mental distress and dementia, as well as their carers.
Diabetes (4)
Apnee Sehat
Apnee Sehat (‘Our Health’) is a social enterprise that tailors lifestyle programmes to address diabetes in Britain’s South Asian community. Its website includes a number of resources aimed at patients and healthcare professionals, including some on how to fast safely for people with diabetes.
Diabetes in the Muslim Community
This website offers both medical and Islamic advice on how to look after your health if you have diabetes, touching a variety of topics including Ramadan, food and diet, exercise, etc.
Diabetes Matters
On the Diabetes Matters website, you can:
- Learn what kinds of food are good for you.
- Understand the importance of eating well during Ramadan.
- Find out why eye check ups are extremely important if you have diabetes.
- Watch films in English and Sylheti.
Ramadan and Diabetes
Diabetes UK has produced a range of guidance for diabetic Muslims who are looking to observe the fasting of Ramadan, including a helpful factsheet with a rundown of key points to consider.
Also available is guidance for Imams to help them advise about diabetes to their community.
Domestic Violence (14)
The Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
An online toolkit for AVA’s Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence, a blueprint against which local services could map their provision for domestic violence services in order to assess their current response and identify any gaps.
Domestic Violence and Faith Toolkit
As part of the Praying for Peace Project, GLDVP has produced Domestic Violence and Faith: a toolkit for Faith Leaders, Faith Organisations and Members of Faith Communities to provide faith leaders, workers and community members with the knowledge and resources to address domestic violence.
The toolkit aims to provide the tools to:
- Effectively and appropriately support those affected by domestic violence, and/or
- Try to respond effectively to perpetrators, and/or
- Address social tolerance of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence and the Methodist Church
A report commissioned by the Methodist Church that examines domestic abuse both inside and outside the Church, that looks at theology, the principles of the Church and its response.
They have also released an accompanying Good Practice Guidelines which includes a useful list of additional resources. two page list of useful resources.
Ending Domestic Abuse: A Pack for Churches
Produced by Restored, and released for International Women’s Day 2016, this pack is designed to help churches to better address issues of domestic abuse in their communities.
Faith and Domestic Abuse: Recommendations for Faith Leaders
This publication from FaithAction is not guidance as such, but recommendations to start the often negated conversation about how faith leaders deal with domestic abuse issues. The document highlights what domestic abuse is, how to spot it and what to do next. It was formed through a series of interviews with faith leaders, faith based organisations and practitioners.
NO MORE Take Action toolkit
A collection of resources to help raise awareness of domestic and sexual violence, produced by UK SAYS NO MORE. The pack contains a poster, images, social media content and a primer of the NO MORE campaign.
Responding to Domestic Abuse: Guidelines for those with pastoral responsibility
A very thorough document, published in 2006, from the Church of England. It includes information about domestic abuse and the Church’s theological approach in addition to the guidelines themselves, plus useful appendices on Harmful Theology; Challenging Myths, Excuses and Denial; Needs of Children and Young People; Needs of Survivors – A Survivor’s Perspective; Experiences of Women in Black and Minority Ethnic Communities; and Elder Abuse.
Responding to Domestic Violence and Abuse
Produced by the Northern Ireland Steering Group on Domestic Violence, this Guide will help leaders of Faith communities to break the silence around domestic violence. It should also help them to raise awareness about the issue and to create a caring atmosphere in which victims of abuse can begin to feel understood and supported and encouraged to seek help.
Restoring Dignity: Ending Violence Against Women
A fact booklet for religious leaders on ending violence against women, with a variety of tools that can be used in your community group to take a stance against violence against women.
Safe Havens: Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence
Safe Havens have produced a simple guide for Muslim communities to help them become better equipped to stop domestic abuse and support its victims.
They have also provided guidance to supporting Christian and Jewish victims of domestic abuse from a faith perspective.
Streams of Grace
The dossier “Streams of Grace”, produced by a World Council of Churches-related network of women theological teachers on violence against women, lifts up examples from all materials received by the WCC to tell the world that the churches and communities of Christians and others do care and are acting with determination and conviction to overcome violence against women and children.
Together We Can Stop It
A collection of resources designed for faith communities aimed at stopping domestic violence.
What Islam Really Says About Domestic Abuse
Produced by Amina, the Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, this booklet aims to overcome the myth that violence against women is justified by Islam. The booklet is also available in Arabic, as well in hard copy form in Urdu, Somali, Sudanese and Turkish.
‘Myths and Realities’ of domestic abuse against women
In 2002, an ecumenical planning group, representing the major Christian churches and organisations in Scotland, ran a very successful conference on domestic abuse called “No Exceptions, a Faith Perspective on the Myths and Realities of Domestic Abuse”.
Subsequently, the group ran a study day on the same theme. Based on this experience, in November 2003, the group produced an Information/Training Pack for organisers of conferences or study days raising awareness on issues of abuse.
End of Life Care (6)
Art of Dying
The Catholic Church in England and Wales has brought the medieval manuscript Ars Moriendi – The Art of Dying – into the 21st century, with the launch of a new website aimed at helping terminally ill people and their loved ones deal with death.
Amina, the Muslim Women’s Resource Center, have produced two guides dealing with bereavement for Muslims: a handbook aimed at helping others with their bereavement and a leaflet for those coping with grief.
Hard copies are also available in Hindi and Urdu.
End of Life Care in Different Communities
Compassion in Dying have produced a number of reports looking at planning end of life care in a number of different communities and the cultural issues that can arise.
- Tie Your Camel First – Planning Ahead for the End of Life with the Somali Community
- Advance Care Planning and Muslim Communities (produced in partnership with The Woolf Institute)
- Planning Ahead for the Jewish Community
- Tea, Talk and Samosas – Planning Ahead for the End of Life with the South Asian Community
End of life ethical issues and Islamic views
There are many complex ethical issues that can affect patients and families in the health care setting. Advances in medicine have greatly improved possibilities to treat seriously ill patients and to prolong life. However, their advances in modern medical technology have blurred many of the lines and distinctions that once seemed so clear; including life and death. This paper discusses briefly the main ethical issues of ending life in brief, including the religious, and applies a case-based approach to clarify Islamic perspective on the issues.
Faith at end of life: public health approach resource for professionals
Public Health England have released a new resource for professionals, providers and commissioners, which looks at the role that faith provides for holistic end of life care in a community context. It also contains information on different faiths and how to treat people of differing faiths when they are dying and after they have died.
General Health (19)
Access to services and the Immigration Act 2014
Two briefings produced by the Race Equality Foundation which examine the Immigration Act 2014 and how it will affect access to services such as healthcare.
AnonCare is a value-led inspired health system, a network that encourages the practice of collecting and sharing good information to improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of patient care and allows it members to provide care and support to each other.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Toolkit for Public Engagement
Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, and this is a key health issue for our times. It is important that everybody knows how to use antibiotics properly and how to avoid becoming ill in the first place. This toolkit contains lots of information and resources about how we can reduce antibiotic resistance, including links to resources in languages other than English.
Caring for Your Heart
This website offers advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet. On this website you can also:
- Watch films in English, Punjabi and Urdu
- Find recipes for healthy meals
- Learn about useful exercises you can do at home
- Read the stories of others and share your own experience of how heart disease has affected you and those close to you
The Centre for Islam and Medicine
The Centre for Islam and Medicine is a research institution examining medical ethics from an Islamic perspective, with a range of resources available covering different areas of health as a product of their work.
Faith in Health
Working in partnership with the Association of Islamic Teachers, Faith in Health runs training sessions for Imams and Islamic teachers on different health issues such as diabetes, healthy living and heart disease; issues that are prevalent in the community, allowing the Imams and teacher to serve their communities more effectively.
FA’s Ramadan & Football Factsheet
Produced by the Football Association, this factsheet looks at the various aspects of Ramadan, as well as the impact it can have on footballers.
Guide to Multi-Faith Interaction
Produced by NHS Education for Scotland, this guide for health and care professionals covers the beliefs and practices of different faiths and how they can affect and influence a patient’s care.
Intentional Health
Inspiring Healthy Communities Through Local Church Networks
A 10-session community programme that churches can run to promote physical, spiritual and emotional health and wellbeing for their members and the wider community. Volunteers are trained and equipped with quality, evidence-based resources, including handbooks, animated videos, group activities and discussions, meaning no specialist or clinical experience or expertise is required.
LGBT Forced Marriages
Stonewall Housing has created leaflet which focuses on how to find accommodation, and advice on staying safe for LGBT people at risk of forced marriage. It also provide a practical step that breaks down a barrier to accessing services in two different ways; by providing information to those who may not have links to LGBT support groups, or survivor groups; and provide information to those who are in need of legal housing advice, and who are unable to approach mainstream services due to fear of outing themselves and increasing risk.
Available in English, Arabic, French, Hindi, Kurdish, Punjabi and Urdu.
Luncheon Clubs for Elderly People
The Muslim Council of Briton has put together a guide to running a luncheon club for elderly people.
Manage Your Medicines During Ramadan
MIEM (Medical Information for Ethnic Minorities) have put together a video containing advice and guidance for taking medicines during the period of Ramadan. The video is available in English, Arabic, Somali, Bengali and Urdu.
The Muslim Health Network
A website with information on a variety of health issues in the Muslim community including pregnancy, dental care, drug abuse, smoking and diabetes.
Practical Guide to Caring
NHS England, in partnership with Carers UK, Carers Trust Age UK, Public Health England, and older carers themselves, has published a Practical Guide to Healthy Caring, which provides information and advice to carers about staying healthy whilst caring and identifies the support available to help carers maintain their health and wellbeing.
Public Health England: Healthier Lives
An interactive ‘heat map’ produced by Public Health England, which includes information on prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure and premature mortality and their complications, levels of care provided and the quality of care achieved in each area by local authority (LA), clinical commissioning group (CCG) and general practice, compared to the England average.
Support Options and Legal Remedies for Victims of Trafficking
FLEX has produced two illustrated booklets to support victims of trafficking, which provide a simple, illustrated overview of support entitlements on entering the National Referral Mechanism, possible outcomes post-NRM, and avenues to compensation and immigration remedies.
Available in English, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Tigrinya and Vietnamese.
Support Options and Legal Remedies for Victims of Trafficking
FLEX has produced two illustrated booklets to support victims of trafficking, which provide a simple, illustrated overview of support entitlements on entering the National Referral Mechanism, possible outcomes post-NRM, and avenues to compensation and immigration remedies.
Available in English, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Tigrinya and Vietnamese.
Towards a Healthy Ramadan
Produced by the Muslim Health Network, this guide looks at the health issues that can affect Muslims in regards to Ramadan, such as how medication and medical conditions can affect fasting.
Healthy Living (2)
The Importance of Exercise
Produced by the Muslim Health Service, this booklet looks at the benefits of exercise, with advice and tips, plus a look at exercise from an Islamic perspective.
Homelessness (2)
Learning from Health and Housing events
In 2013, FaithAction partnered with The Race Equality Foundation, Regional Voices and the Department of Health to host two roundtable events in London and Leeds to discuss the impact of housing on health inequalities. We have produced a report outlining our main findings, highlighting a number of key issues which need addressing, advocating for increased connection between the sectors to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.
What a Difference Faith Makes… to Homelessness!
This FaithAction report views homelessness as primarily an issue of public health. We highlight the role of faith groups with contributions from over 30 organisations.
The report shows the dual role of faith-based organisations in homelessness – their meeting of a frontline practical support requirement and their advocacy to influence public and political debate. We explore the issues they face and the ‘faith factor’ that influences their work.
Mental Health (10)
Anthem of Hope
Resources for churches to help tackle mental health issues. The site is US-based and still in development, but offers a web-based chat service for people in crisis.
Catholic Mental Health Project
The Catholic Mental Health Project is a collection of resources to support the Catholic community in providing competent pastoral support for mental health issues.
FCN – The Farming Community Network
FCN is a Christian-based network of volunteers who provide pastoral and practical support to anyone in the farming community, regardless of their beliefs. In addition to local groups of volunteers, FCN provides a confidential, national telephone helpline which available from 7.00 am until 11.00 pm every day of the year, for those with concerns about their physical or mental health, or other issues.
Friendly Places
FaithAction has compiled a collection of resources on mental health and wellbeing as part of our Friendly Places initiative.
General Guidelines for Facilitators of Mental Health Support Groups
Brief guidance for church-based support groups, from the Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury – available from the Catholic Mental Health Project.
Guide to Jewish Mental Health Services in Greater London
Jami, Jewish Care, Chizuk, and The Raphael Centre Jewish Counselling Service produced this guide to improve access to information about mental health services in the Jewish community. The guide can be accessed from the Jami website.
Mental Health First Aid training
This training is developed by Mental Health First Aid England ( and offered by different providers. We will list faith-based providers here as we become aware of them.
Jami, working in the London area, offers the Mental Health First Aid Standard, Youth Mental Health First Aid (both 2 day courses) and Mental Health First Aid Lite (3 hour course). The maximum course size is 16 people and minimum is 8 people. Jami is a mental health organisation working in the Jewish community but these courses are open to all.
For details and prices email or call Emma on 0208 458 2223.d
Promoting mental health: A resource for spiritual and pastoral care
A resource to raise awareness of mental health among Christian clergy and church members, and to raise awareness of spirituality and its role in mental health among health professionals. It aims to provide encouragement for what people are already doing within the church and faith communities around the issue of mental health; and to ensure the church is more welcoming to people experiencing mental health problems and mental distress, and their carers. It was produced in 2004 by the Church of England Archbishop’s Council, Mentality and the National Institute for Mental Health in England and is available from the Catholic Mental Health Project.
Talking Treatments: Take the first step
Age UK is working with NHS England on a campaign to improve older people’s access to “talking treatments” (also known as talking therapies). Older people do not tend to use these treatments, probably due in part to a perceived stigma attached to seeing a ‘therapist’ or receiving ‘counselling’. The ‘Talking Treatments: Take the first step’ campaign aims to fight misconceptions and stigmas and help more older people get the help they need.
Organ Donation (3)
BAME Organ Donation 2014
A report commissioned by NHS Blood and Transplant looking at attitudes and behaviour relating to organ donation in BAME communities.
Organ Donation & Transplant Matters
Two collections of articles, news, resources, reports, videos and much more regarding organ donation and transplants, curated by a transplant surgeon.
Organ Donation and Religious Beliefs
Produced by the NHS Blood and Transplant Special Health Authority, these pamphlets looks at organ donation from the perspective of different faiths.
Pregnancy (1)
Sexual Health (4)
Female Genital Mutilation: Duty to Report
From 31 October 2015, healthcare professionals must report to the police any cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in girls under 18 that they come across in their work.
The Department of Health and NHS England have published a package of resources concerning FGM so that professionals are equipped to properly handle the issue.
Positive Faith
This online resource addresses issues at the centre of HIV and faith, made by a diverse group of Christians living with HIV. The resource consists of three video series featuring a range of people living with HIV and Christian leaders, and a library of additional resources.
The material aims to: provide encouragement and support to people of Christian faith struggling with their HIV diagnosis; help clinicians, support workers and others understand why faith is important to many people with HIV; motivate congregations to engage with HIV, start a conversation and provide welcome and inclusivity for people living with HIV; and be a training tool and somewhere to signpost those in the health and HIV / sexual health sectors addressing these issues in their work.
Public Health England: FAQ on HIV Testing
Public Health England have released a collection of frequently asked questions about HIV testing and the use and purchase of self-testing kits. Further information on HIV testing is also available on the same page.
Public Health England: Sexual & Reproductive Health Tool
Public Health England have launched a new online data resource, Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles, which provides the means for interested parties to monitor sexual and reproductive of different areas of the country, and the contribution of public health systems.