Help shape the NHS Long Term Plan

The NHS has just celebrated its 70th birthday, and the Government has recently promised it more money.

Reflecting on the past 70 years, and needing to show the Government how it intends to spend its funding, the NHS is now working on a Long Term Plan. This will set out what its ambitions are for the next decade, and what its plans are to achieve those ambitions over the next five years.

So, as it puts this Long Term Plan together, it wants to hear from anyone who relies on the NHS, or works in it or alongside it – in short, all of us. Those working on the plan want to hear our ideas, experiences and insights.

The NHS has some overarching questions it wants us to answer:

  1. What are the core values that should underpin a long term plan for the NHS?
  2. What examples of good services or ways of working that are already taking place locally should be spread across the country?
  3. What do you think are the barriers to improving care and health outcomes for NHS patients?

It also has many more detailed questions on specific themes. You can see these below, or find out more here.

We want to hear from you

FaithAction will feed your responses to the NHS and they will help to shape the Long Term Plan. Leave your comments below.

Themes where the NHS has specific questions

  • Early life (babies and their mums, children and young people)
  • Staying healthy (how we help people look after their own health and prevent them developing health problems; also, how we tackle health inequalities)
  • Ageing well (including how we look after frail older people and people with dementia)
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory (diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels (including stroke) and lungs/breathing)
  • Mental health
  • Learning disability and autism
  • Workforce (how the NHS can make best use of the skills and experience of its own staff, and how it can be a better place to work so that it can attract the right people)
  • Primary care (GPs, pharmacies etc. – the first professionals you tend to go to when you have a problem)
  • Digital innovation and technology
  • Research and innovation
  • Engagement (getting people to feed in their views and experiences)

Find out more about these and the questions the NHS wants you to answer at