Friendly Places: Mental Health
"There’s no health without mental health."
Mental health is just as important as our physical health. Like our bodies, our minds change and develop throughout our lives. And, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell.
Mental health problems are very common. They affect how people think and feel about themselves and others, how they interpret events, how they cope with life events and how they develop and sustain relationships. One in four of us is likely to visit our GP in connection with a mental health problem. Every faith community contains people who have experienced mental health problems, or their family and friends.
There is a significant and positive role for faith communities to play in the support of those with mental health problems – both within their own congregations and in the wider community. This stems from the position of faith groups as places of community, of meaning, and of connection.
By signing up to the Friendly Places Pledge, a faith group makes a commitment to be a place which welcomes and supports those struggling with their mental health. The downloadable copy available on this page contains the wording of the pledge along with a summary of our tips for being a friendly place.
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I believe that there is a significant and positive role for faith communities to play in the support of mental health.
I pledge to support faith groups in my community to become Friendly Places which welcome and support those struggling with their mental health.

Eric and Danielle

Mohammed Ali

Bleddwyn Evans and Friends

Kieran Murphy & co.

Rebekah Warbuton

Wonderfully Made Woman

Regeneration Centre

Stephen Fowler

Ade Adekoya & Maresa Ness

Martyn Goss

Matt Wall

Saeeda Ahmed & Georgios Vournas

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon

Baroness Judith Jolly

Margaret Hodge

Paul Farmer

Zed Ali



Fauzia Chowdrey

Alan Agurbutt

Graham Storer

Steven Saxby

David Howe

Dave Wood

Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP

Lauren Wood

Malcom Duncan & Joyce Gledhill